Roll Dice - Important Dice Games Rules

The roll of the dice is used in many things in our daily life. 

It is used in taking decisions or making choices between 2 things. 

If you are confused to select any one from two or more then Roll dice is the best solution. People have been playing the roll-dice game since ancient times. That's why it is considered an old game. 

In the past offline dice were available but nowadays online roll dice have come. 

If you are getting bored with family in your free time and want to play a Roll dice-based game but don't have dice, then you can Roll a Dice Online from anywhere with your friends and family.

If you are a Game lover or looking for dice Game rules, this blog is for you. Let's understand the 5 dice game rules.

1. Buck

This is a game for any number of participants using three dice.

Preliminary rounds 

turn order is established by a round in which each player rolls one die. The one with the most points shoots first. The player with the fewest points then rolls one die to determine the "bucks" for the first game.

Purpose of the game

Players aim to make "bucks", or a game (exactly 15 points). Having reached this score, the player is eliminated from the game, which continues until one player remains - the loser.

Rules of the Game

Each player takes turns rolling three dice, and everyone continues to do so until one or more of the player's dice rolls "bucks". 

As soon as he makes a roll that does not contain "bucks", the turn passes to the next player.

Each player counts out loud the number of times he has rolled "bucks". In each case, he gets a point. 

If, as he approaches 15, a player rolls that take his score beyond 15, the roll does not count and he must roll the dice again.

Some throws are evaluated on a special scale. Three "bucks" in one roll ("big bucks" or "general") are worth 15 points. 

The player who makes this roll is immediately out of the game, regardless of their current score.

Three dice of the same denomination that are not "bucks" are considered "small bucks" and are worth five points.


Some players follow the rule that when they reach 13 they roll only two dice, and when they reach 14 they roll only one.

Continuation of the game

Each new game is started by the player to the left of the one who started the previous one. Similarly, the right to determine "bucks" is shifted so that each time it is done by the player to the right of the beginner.

2. Chicago

"Chicago", also called "Spin", is a game for any number of participants. Two dice are used. 

The game is based on 11 possible combinations of two dice - 2,3,4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 - and accordingly consists of 11 rounds.

The object of the game

is to successfully throw out each of these combinations. The winner is the player with the most points.

Rules of the game

In each round, players take turns rolling the dice once. In the first round, you must throw a total of 2 points, in the second - 3, and so on up to 12.

After each successful throw, this amount of points is added to his score. 

For example, if a player rolls a 5 in the fifth round, he gets 5 points. If he failed to roll the desired number, he does not receive points for this roll.

3. Help a neighbor

"Help your neighbor" for two to six participants, usually played for small stakes or just for fun.

Game accessories:

1) three dice and a glass for them;

2) chips for bets of each player.

Purpose of the game

Each player tries to be the first to get rid of all his pieces. The winner takes the bank formed during the game.

Turn Order

Determined by a preliminary round in which each player rolls one die. This roll also decides which number or numbers each player takes.

The player with the most points in the preliminary round goes first and takes number 1. The next highest scorer becomes second and, taking number 2, sits to the left of player number 1, etc.

If there are only two players, the one with the most points takes the numbers 1, 2, 3, and the other - all the others. 

With three players, numbers are divided into pairs: 1 and 2, 3 and 4,5, and 6. With four players, numbers 5 and 6 remain free, with five players, 6 is free.

Rules of the game

Each player places ten pieces in front of him. Each player in turn (clockwise) rolls all three dice once. 

The players whose numbers came up on the roll must put one chip into the pot for each of their numbers that came up.

For example, if the first player rolled 4, 6,6, player number 4 contributes one chip to the pot, and player number 6 contributes two chips. 

When the winning player (the first to get rid of his ten chips) takes the pot, the player to the left of the first player of the previous game starts the next game, now assigning the number 1 to himself.

4. Clockwise

This is a game for three or four players using two dice. The purpose of the game. Participants try to consistently roll numbers from 1 to 12. The winner is the one who completed the sequence first.

Rules of the Game

Players take turns throwing two dice once. Values ​​from 1 to 6 count for the player as the results of throwing any one of the two dice, as well as the sum of the points of the two dice 

For example, if 3 and 1 fell out, they can be counted as 3.1 or 4.

In addition, it is possible to count two results in one roll

For example, if a player wants 2, and 2 and 3 come up, then he can count both of these numbers. From the 7th to the 12th, the player needs the combined result of both dice to score points.

5. Bone basketball

Dice basketball is usually played by two players, but more players can take part in it, each of which represents a team. 

As in a real game, the winner is the team (i.e. player) with the most points in a match or series of matches.

Game Accessories

Basketball can be played with just two dice or ten. Many players use eight dice, as in this case they provide a quick game and a real score by basketball standards.

Rules of the game

The game consists of four periods. In each period, players take turns throwing eight dice once, and the sum of the points that have fallen out becomes the score for that period.

The player with the highest score in four periods wins the match. If a match or a predetermined series of matches ends in a draw, it is resolved by the appointment of additional periods until a clear winner is determined.